Week 6 Lab: Unnatural Mother Reading Notes
The Unnatural Mother
- Background: Swazi tale
- Tradition among the Kafir - stay with bridegroom's mother for a year after marriage b/f they got their own home
- Each would work the land (separate patches) - hoe, harvest
- Calabashes, maize, sugar-cane and pumpkins
- Wife made beautiful food for husband to eat after coming home from work
- Mother jealous of these meals
- Use of inanimate object to represent her
- Put on son's clothes - deceiving others while she ate
- Plan to catch thief
- Confession from mother
- Son: mother has "sinned against nature" (woman's nature?)
- Mother not to return until she has found water in which no animals live
- found pools: frogs, silver fishes
- a new land - describe like it is a cityscape (foreshadowing)
- water - "glittered like the moon"
- Animals:
- Warn mother about King who rules over the land and water
- in the absence of the Lion, others were asked to help the mother:
- Elephant
- Giraffe
- Tiger/Leopard
- Rabbit
- the one to provide aid
- Change: the rabbit cleverly uses the other animals strengths to free the mother
- left forest with water: forest turns into town
- Spell broken (wicked enchanter)
- Mother gains honour and forgiveness
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