Reading Notes: Metamorphoses I, Reading B

Pyramus and Thisbe:
Plot points:

  • Both describes as "on fire"
    • Spoke throw a fissure in the wall
  • Plan to meet at Ninus grave
    • Lioness tears  Thisbe's veil
    • Pyramus sees and plunges his sword into his side
    • Thisbe sees this, mourns, and does the same.
"As he lay back again on the ground, the blood spurted out, like a pipe fracturing at a weak spot in the lead, and sending long bursts of water hissing through the split, cutting through the air, beat by beat." - I like this description of how the blood spurts out of Pyramus's wound. I think describing something in this way adds gore indirectly, because it is much easier to visualize the movement of something that we are more familiar with - burst pipe vs spurting blood.

Perseus and Medusa:
Description of Medusa: snakes for hair,

Attack on sea monster (Andromeda): described like a struggle for life and food between predator and prey animals.

Plot points:

  • Begins as a story (story within a story)
  • Used shield to see Medusa
  • Medusa in deep sleep
  • Pegasus and Chrysaor born from her blood
  • Medusa origins

Note: I was meant to do Reading B of Metamorphoses II, but I accidentally clicked onto Metamorphoses I. I read the whole unit and took notes before realizing it.

Image information: 15th Century woodcut illustration of Pyramus and Thisbe; Penn Libraries. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Ovid's Metamorphoses: Pyramus and Thisbe, translated by Tony Kline (2000).
Ovid's Metamorphoses: Perseus and Medusa, translated by Tony Kline (2000).


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